Monday 30 October 2017

Do them

I am the LORD your God: Walk in My statutes, keep My judgments, and do them; - Ezekiel 20.19

It is a good thing for Christians to go to church and read their Bibles and do their devotions and do Bible studies and all of those things. We can study theology and get to be ‘Bible experts.’ All of that is indeed good, but it is not enough.

The test comes in the doing of these things. Do we do them? Do we walk in the light of God’s word? Do we hold to His instructions? Do we do what He says?

James addresses the same issue when he says that we must be doers of God’s word, and not just hearers. He says that if we just hear and do nothing about it then we are deceiving ourselves.

The reality of following Christ is seen in the doing. It means we love others, care for the poor, live godly lives, represent Christ as his ambassadors, share the gospel, and glorify Christ in this present world.

Praying is good. Reading is good. Listening is good. Fellowship is good. But the real test is in what we do about in our own daily lives.

Do we do? 

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