Wednesday 18 April 2018

You err

Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God. – Matthew 22.29

The continued questioning of the Pharisees caused Jesus to give one of several statements of the general issues they had. It was more than just specific points like they were bringing up. There were some things that were just wrong with the very basis of their thinking.

‘You err,’ Jesus said, ‘in two areas. You don’t know the word of God and you don’t know the power of God.’

That’s the perfect summary to why they were so confused. They had asked a convoluted question about a husband dying and a whole series of brothers taking his marrying his widow and about who would be her husband in marriage. Jesus answered the question, but the real issue here was their hearts and minds.

Too often all the petty fights and rows and disagreements we get into are because of the same issue. We don’t know our Bibles and we don’t know God’s power. We fight over petty things but the real issue is the same one the scribes and Pharisees had.

If we knew the word of God and knew His power and trusted in them wholly we would be able to deal with whatever came our way. If we remembered to promises of God, remembered that He has the power to do it, and trusted Him we would have no fear and no doubts.

Do we really know His word?
Do we really grasp the extent of His power?
Do we trust both?

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